
Saturday, February 19, 2005

if only things were great all the time. 

Things have been bothering me for the last few days. And it finally all blew out tonight. I'm not sure what my problem is but I have one.

I knew there would be problems AFTER I decided to sign a lease to live here another year. It was just a known fact in the back of my mind.

I haven't been this emotionally confused since I was taking that stupid medicine that wacked me out. I've had this urge to break things twice in the last 2 days, cry at a few points, and just wanted people to leave me alone. I don't think people know that once they raise their voice with me they hit an area that makes me flip out.

All I can say is I'm sorry. Which never seems to work because you don't believe that I'm truly sorry. That's your problem not mine. I'm not perfect, and neither are you. It KILLS me, everytime I say something and you say "no, your not, you don't mean it." What gives you the right to put words into my mouth. I wish you didn't hate me.

Saturday, February 12, 2005


I got a new cat. Her name is Raven. It was Chania (pronounced sha-nay). I didn't like it so I changed it. I got her at the pound. They said she was a year old, but I'm thinking she's a bit younger than that. She is about Hallies' size when she was about 9 months old. Raven is a bit scared of EVERYTHING except me. Everytime I take her to the living room she freaks and runs back to my room. The odd thing is, is that she purrs all the time. Hopefully she will break out of that freaking out habit, and learn to love people.

Another thing. I finally lost 10 pounds!!! YAY go me! Kinda crazy because I haven't been sticking to any diet in the last 2 weeks, but still managed to loose 5 more pounds. HAHA.

Friday, February 04, 2005

BECAUSE vandalizing my car WILL make me vote for bush, or any other republican. 

I'm glad to see I made someone happy by letting them write John Kerry sucks, among other obscenities on my car. Really guys, what does that prove. I'm not mad that you displayed your right to free speech, I'm PISSED off that you did it on my car. Go write John Kerry sucks balls on your own car.

Really though the anger of you putting your hands on my car has cancelled out with the happiness that you are a moron. :)

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Really.. I hate Wednesdays. 

Classes from 8:30am - 3:20pm, work from 5:00pm - 10:30pm,11:00ish.


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